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We are back in Wisconsin for most of the Summer this year. As you know, we live in our RV full time. One thing that is problematic for many of us who live this lifestyle is health care. I’ll give you a couple of examples.
One of the biggest bugaboos is insurance. Many states do not offer any kind of national plans. Wisconsin, for example, doesn’t have Blue Cross Blue Shield unless you get through your employer and your employer has to be based in a state that offers it!
So, we end up with health insurance through the marketplace, and thank goodness for that, or I wouldn’t be eligible for insurance. The problem is that the network, and in network doctors, are all in Wisconsin. That means, and so far, knock on wood, we haven’t used it outside of Wisconsin, that many things require pre-approval and there is extra expense involved for “out of network” doctors. Continue reading RV Living and Health Care→
We’re hiding from the cold on the Gulf Coast. It was surprisingly chilly as we headed for San Antonio to meet up with my son and his family. We had a great time.
Now we are parked at Magnolia Beach, Texas, on the beach no less along Lavaca Bay.
Looking to the north out the windshield while camping on Magnolia Beach
What grandparent wouldn’t like spending the summer in your daughter’s backyard swimming pool with your grandchildren, especially over the fourth of July. And your son and his family flying up for the holiday. Wonderful 4th of July, and it is my favorite holiday! Since we have been living in our RV, we have missed Halloween, Thanksgiving, X-mas, Valentine’s Day, Easter and Mother’s Day with our family. This is the hardest thing, besides the stupid desert. It makes me want to leave the nomadic lifestyle but my husband loves it so much and he tries to make me happy in other ways. But, while we have been in Madison, we have been filling our days with lots of fun family things, appreciating family more than ever, which is a good thing.
I would also like to add that I do like living in our RV full time as a housewife, other than being away so long from family. And these are the reasons why: